Charity Grants
Royal NSW Canine Council Health and Welfare Charity Limited (RNSWCCHWC) General Approach and Philosophy
Royal NSW Canine Council Health and Welfare Charity Limited (RNSWCCHWC) is an organisation whose objective is to prevent or relieve the suffering of canines. The charity will achieve these objectives by:
(i) arranging short-term direct care for canines which have been lost, mistreated, or are without owners.
(ii) arranging for the rehabilitation of orphaned, sick, or injured canines which have been lost, mistreated or are without owners.
(iii) funding research into the causes, prevention, or cure of diseases in canines.
(iv) creating and endowing scholarships and fellowships.
(v) providing education in relation to all aspects of canines.
(vi) arranging for the training of canines to assist people who are disadvantaged; and
(vii) anything ancillary to the Objectives.
RNSWCCHWC supports research that will improve the health and lives of all dogs. RNSWCCHWC will achieve this by awarding grants to scientists and professionals to support research that concerns the origins of canine illnesses, assists the diagnoses of canine diseases, aids in the development of effective treatments and assists disease prevention strategies.
We encourage individuals to submit applications to fund research projects that will improve the health of all dogs.
The research seeding grant process is stringent and all applications for funding are reviewed in the first instance by the RNSWCCHWC Board of Directors for compliance with charity objectives. Two independent expert reviewers will next undertake further assessment of each of the finalists and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board will then determine the successful application(s), having regard to the recommendation(s) made to it. In so doing, the Board of Directors will ensure the grants are awarded to research projects that, 1) meet the objectives of the Charity and, 2) are designed with scientific rigour that enables findings to materially contribute to the body of knowledge in canine health or welfare.
All studies involving animals must provide evidence of complying with the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (current Animal or Human Ethics Approval) before funds are transferred.
Funding Opportunities
Applications are sought from Australian researchers from disciplines including, but not limited to, veterinary research, genetics, and animal science. Collaborative projects involving researchers from a variety of disciplines and/or institutions, including human health researchers will be considered.
To be eligible applications must:
• directly address the objectives the Charity;
• provide evidence of current Animal and or Human Ethics Approvals for research team and the project described if required before funds are issued;
• support research into the causes, prevention, or cure of diseases in canines
• exclude requests for:
- ICT or Camera equipment – major specialist equipment will be considered
- Salary support for the chief investigator/s
- Travel (Travel requests may be made under a separate scheme)
- Projects involving animal euthanasia
- have a project duration of under 2 years – extensions may be awarded subject to evidence of satisfactory progress.
• Brief annual progress report provided before release of annual funding
• At conclusion of research:
- Provision of an executive summary suitable for lay-person audience for publication on the RNSWCCHWC website and Dogs Australia affiliate publications
- 4-page scientific paper outlining the research outcomes of the project
• RNSWCCHWC to be provided copies of any publications arising from the funding and these to be open access so that they can be freely linked to the charity web portal
• RNSWCCHWC to be acknowledged in all public presentations / publications arising from the funding
• Resulting work to aim for publication in academic journals in the top 10% of the field index
• Open access publication – extra funding for page charges of successful open-access publications directly resulting from funded projects may be provided on request
• Return unexpected funds at the conclusion of the project
Instructions for Application Submission
Applications to be received by email:
Other Instructions
Successful applicants failing to meet agreed accountability criteria will be excluded from further funding from the RNSCCHWC for a period of two years.
Please click here for the Application for Research Funding.